I enjoy collaborating with other young people; therefore, I am a part of different youth organisations and have a job as a Young Facilitator. My goal is simply to be successful in life: for me that looks like a job I am happy and earning a good amount in and a beautiful family.

Neo, 17 – London

Dream: To be successful

Role model: My mother

I grew up surrounded by several ambitious yet doubtful young people, myself included. This is mostly because of the idea that those from less fortunate backgrounds have trouble rising above their situation. I have always felt that less fortunate people should be presented with opportunities should they be keen to get them, because the fortunate are provided with them regardless.

I enjoy collaborating with other young people; therefore, I am a part of different youth organisations and have a job as a Young Facilitator. My goal is simply to be successful in life: for me that looks like a job I am happy and earning a good amount in and a beautiful family.

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