Anything really is possible.

I hope all young people realise the ability we have to stand up for what we believe and know through lived experiences

Loren – London

I left full-time education when i was 14 and taught most of my exams by
myself. For me, hope was what made this possible. I didn’t always have
hope, but people around me held the hope when i couldn’t.

Now I am an advocate for youth mental health, and enjoy writing articles for other young people. My hope is that someone who is struggling can take
something away from this, or sees that it is possible to get out of dark places. I hope people who have unconventional paths through education are embraced and not held back.

I hope young people know anything really is possible, I promise, it is.
I hope people know that is okay to take your time to figure things out, but
know it will be okay in the end.

I hope all young people realise the ability we have to stand up for what we
believe and know through lived experiences

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